Suggestion: Make the self destruct timer the same as the combat, logoff and other timers.
Keywords: ui, self destruct, timer
Note: It would look better than the popup message. Maybe make it so others can see it too.
Suggestion: Allow fitting manager to take modules from a ship’s cargobay
Keywords: ui, ship fitting, modules
Note: Makes switching of fittings easier
Suggestion: add keywords to search for ISK values (item, stack and hangar value) to assets search
Keywords: ui, assets, search, prices, values
Note: it allows searching for value and saves having to make multiple searches to achieve the same
This should work in combination with the min: and max: keywords.
It makes sorting through assets for traders much easier and helps in finding those assets, which need emptying. One currently has to enter multiple searches for item types and groups to see where assets are piling up.
Suggestion: add compression as service type when searching for structures
Keywords: ui, structure, structure browser, search, compression, ore, ice, service
Note: it allows searching for structures which offer ore and ice compression
An option to only display the items in the Quickbar would possibly be easiest to implement and serve nicely.
Suggestion: add a switch to General Settings so one can permanently have small icons in the Selected Item window.
Keywords: ui, selected item, general settings, icons
Note: Stop the Selected Item window from switching icon sizes.
When one reduces the size of the Select Item window far enough will it use smaller icons, which is nice. However, it will switch between small and large icons, which then causes the window to change its size and reposition itself, making it impossible to use small icons and have the Selected item window align with other windows.
Suggestion: let CONCORD kill pods, too, when an offender committed a pod-kill
Keywords: CONCORD, pod kill, ganking, fairness
Note: Seems only fair to allow for CONCORD to retaliate a pod kill with a pod kill
There is a lot of grief regarding ganking. However, seeing how players are being pod-killed after their ship got destroyed does it only seem fair to let CONCORD retaliate with the same response against the one who committed the pod kill.
And no, this won’t stop ganking nor is the suggestion meant to pod-kill all gankers, but only kill the one who committed the pod-kill. The suggestion is meant to raise the response by CONCORD to match the offense and so to bring more fairness to the players, but not to “end all ganking”.
So you plan to remove sec status then?
Who are you asking?
Shift+drag makes a single split what I’d want e.g.: Take a 10050 stack and split it into 100 stacks of 100 and one of 50 with 1 action instead of 100.
It would be great if you could see total quantity of items, volume and estimated price of your items in a particular station in personal assets. Sometimes you’re doing clean up and it’s nice to know how much you’re going to haul, or sometimes you’re stuck in an evac and quickly need to find out what you need to prioritize.
Suggestion: Add option to open chat log when clicking channel settings button (in default out of game editor).
Keywords: chat
Note: This would help save time, especially with the amount of chat log files I have to sift through sometimes.
Suggestion: Fix name/text input field of Omega time gifting to recognize exact terms
Keywords: Text, input, UI, user interface.
Note: Omega time gifting text/name input field in Plex Vault is unusable with names that contain common words/terms.
With names such as mine the Omega time gifting name/text field in the Plex Vault is unusable. The field does not recognize exact terms or even differentiate that you have entered two identical words or upper or lowercase and gives a list of all character names that contain both “dull” and “Dull”. Fixing the field so you can use exact terms and drag names into it would be ideal.
There is already a ‘buy all’ button there in the lower right corner, where you can see the estimated price. If it’s the market details you need, click on the ‘delta’ icon in the multibuy window for each of the items.
Yeah, I added this a loooong time ago, probably before I wrote this example … it’s in the price tooltip
There are generic “next tab”/“previous tab” shortcuts that should allow you to do that.
Thank you for pointing that out. I see they only work if the overview has focus though, but that makes sense, since it’s generic. Would be nice to have focus else where and still tab through overview, but this works. Thanks again for the pointer.
Suggestion: Name the upcoming “Dropbox”-Feature: “Secure Cargo Acceptance Mechanism”
Keywords: Structures, scamming, dropbox, hauling
Note: In reply to CCP Devs question about good names for a “dropbox”-feature in the EVE Down Under Keynote
As it was asked by a Dev (and it doesn’t have it’s own topic) I would suggest a name for the planed “Dropbox”-Feature for Stations, Structures etc.
I suggest the Name “Secure Cargo Acceptance Mechanism” because on one hand it is an accurate description for what the Feature does: It accepts (it doesn’t allow dispensation or exchange) cargo (not clones or other interactions) into a structure in a secure way (also I chose mechanism because it is not a module in the stricter sense, but module would be fine, too).
On the other hand, the name (or to be exact, the shorthand SCAM) is a nice little meta-homage/chuckle for the out-of-game reason for creating this feature in the first place, namely to prevent seome forms of scam.
Suggestion: Increase Dropdown Menu Length in Item Filter
Keywords: ui, inventory, items, filter
Note: while setting up item filters you have to pick an item from a possibly very long list of items (eg for Group/Is/Module/X), but the dropdown menu can only show 6 items.
Suggestion: Ability to turn off crimewatch noise
Keywords: ui, audio, irritating
Note: constant beeping every time you kill a rat is annoying. Used to be able to turn it off, can no longer do so.