Suggestion: Send ingame mail when your support ticket/bug report receives a reply.
Keywords: Mail, support, reports
Replies on your support tickets result in e-mails beingsend to yoru registered e-mail. In game mails would be easier to notice (as long as you are able to log in). Especially if you don’t use your personal e-mail for the account (and your bug report is redirected into support ticket and you don’t notice this for many months because you don’t read that mail. Not that it would have mattered anyways but it would have been nice to notice.).
When your bug report receives a reply you do not get any notification anywhere.
These can be important messages. Ingame mails would help in noticing them.
Suggestion: Allow market search to return highest level matching group Keywords: Usability, UI Notes: I want to compare industrial ships without knowing their names. Given I am searching the market for “industrial”, I should see a search result of the “Ships/Industrial Ships” group, with all its contents included but collapsed. Or if I search “ship” I should see all of Ships.
Suggestion: Move the PI into a Window so that you can set it to any size and control your ship when you have it open Notes: Wont to control my ship when using the PI
Suggestion: Add temporary standings with an expiration timer similar to the new ones for bookmarks. Keywords: UI, PVP, QoL Note: If implemented properly it would greatly improve user experience when working with a group that does not normally have standings for a single encounter by allowing for them to be set blue for X duration to reduce clutter in the overview.
Suggestion: Show the DRF in missile and fighter info Keywords: Missiles, fighters, UI, info
Missile damage formula contains a variable called “Damage reduction factor” (DRF).
This value is not visible in game. (fighters also use it).
Each different type of missile has different DRF.
The ony way to find this number is to get it from ESI or static data export.
This value should be visible in game in the info of each missile and fighter.
Have separate auto target back settings for NPCs and Players
Suggestion: Have two auto target back settings , one for player ships , one for NPCs Keywords: ui, settings, combat
So players do not have to alter the settings every time they switch between PvP and PvE.
I have auto target back set to 0 if I PvP , I have it set to 12 when I rat , don’t know how common this is but it irks me to keep going into the setting screen to change this setting.
Keywords: ACL, Hanger, Item Management
Note: Allow ACL access to shared hangers for coordinating within groups of players
I am in several sigs and groups that could benefit from a shared ACL hanger in certain strategic areas/stagings. It also would help for those of us who have multiple alts, but cannot utilize an alt corp due to already being in a corp.
Suggestion: Show info on yourself when clicking name in collapsed character sheet header
Keywords: ui
Note: Clicking your name to show info currently only works in the character sheet when the header including your portrait is expanded
Suggestion: Show rich tooltip on skill queue items
Keywords: ui, skills
Note: Skill queue tooltips should show SP remaining to train this rank, and training rate
When I want to find out how many SP I would need to spend to shortcut a queued skill rank, I have to right click > apply skill points > cancel. If my skill is at rank 2 I cannot use this to learn the number of points required to go from 3 to 4, or from 2 to 4.
When I want to see the training rate for a queued skill rank, I have to switch the skill pane category > scroll to item > hover for tooltip.
Suggestion: Bring back total skill points ticking up as I watch
Keywords: ui, skills
Note: Currently my “total skill points” doesn’t change even if i close and reopen character sheet
In the past I could look at my character sheet and see my skill points tick up one by one. This really reinforced the core mechanic of skills training over time and gave a hint if training was paused.
Not so little related ideas:
Tint the SP number red and change its label to “123,456 Skill Points - Training Paused” when appropriate
Make the tooltip of the currently training skill also update its SP count in real time
Suggestion: Remember bookmark folder “Open group window” state across logins
Keywords: ui, bookmarks, locations
Note: I have to reopen people and places > right click my “tacs” folder > open group window every time I log in. Most windows remember their open/closed state.
I have to do the same for the window I get when I shift-click my cargohold .
Suggestion: Add drone control buttons In space for controlling drones, just like the buttons for missile launchers / turrets Keywords: ui, combat
New button hole on the high slots row ( F9 )
New button hole on the middle slots row
New button hole on the low slots row
When a ship has a drone bay these button holes get buttons
High - All drones attack button ( attacks active target )
Medium - Launch default group ? or All drones return and orbit ?
Low - All drones return to bay
Buttons can be moved around like any other buttons.
Million means a different thing in parts of Europe and Russia (I think a million for them is a billion for Americans/British/some other Europeans)… so instead of m for x,000,000, they use kk as in… a thousand thousand. Since we all call a thousand a thousand, a thousand thousand is clearer to them as to what is meant… than saying a million (which could mean x,000,000 OR x,000,000,000).
(Note: I realize that by using , instead of . between the 000s I’ve further complicated things, but oh well. I’m American, but I am AWARE of these issues, at least!)
What you’re talking about is x10^9 which to the English is a thousand million, to an American is a billion. BUT it’s pretty much accepted universally a billion is 9 0’s.
Having the function even if it’s the ACTUAL standard would be fine, SO many fewer key strokes.
k x10^3
M x10^6
G x10^9
Yep, that’s what I was referring to. I presume, since I’ve seen not only kk from Russians in local but also kkk… that they default to speaking of thousands, thousand thousands, and thousand thousand thousands to get around such potential confusions.
But I’m glad to hear that a bil is (mostly) universally accepted as 9 zeroes in this day and age. The more we can standardize the better…
Now, let’s not even get started on metric vs. Imperial (as an American who learned both from an early age and then lived in Japan for awhile and then moved back to the states… yeah…).