LocalAnalyzer (GUI overlay, windows only) - testers wanted

Ups, sorry. I was able to reproduce the error on one computer. May I ask what combination of antivirus/firewall you use?

Until last week, I was using Avast Internet (with Avast Firewall).
Just last week, I switched to Free Avast with Comodo Firewall, but havent tried yet LocalAnalyzer with my new combination. Will try it when I get home in a few days.


Just tried again. My security software is Avast Free + Comodo Firewall. Same issue as before

4 engines detected this file
SHA-256 40611b87fa7cb6aedbf6283fe5fd13b95cf7739c8950f33558d7ca9643bd224a
File name localanalyzer
File size 4.24 MB
Last analysis 2018-03-15 17:59:04 UTC


This a known issue the way I create executables from python script, see here: https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/issues/680
Not a lot I can do about it at the moment.

in that case, could you post this project to github pretty please?

Any updates on this @Snitch_Ashor ?

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