Hello! I was scouting some gates for fleet and browsing some ads, your one caught me eye on it.
I am M.D. of New Eden’s Medical Laboratory. We are pretty small corporation inside LORD alliance. We operate in Tenerifis Region (yeah, I saw that high sec prefered, but who knows what might be intrested for you ) and we are part of Mistakes were Made coalition.
We have pretty good amount of ore/ice to mine and tasty ratts to kill. BBP for ore/ice/salvage on alliance lvl.
Our main aim is to keep ourselves as relaxed as possible because we all have our own lives/families/studies etc. So no mandatory or paps inside alliance at all. We only ask to be on coms while you are in-game, so we can make better communications between each other, to know each other better etc. We have pretty good, warm atmosphere inside
If you are interested you can easily mail me, or join LORDE PUB channel.
Best regards, Kate Siwalina, M.D.