Hello Tekashi Toro,
Welcome to Eve Online! I hope that you don’t have to mutch trubble to get into the game since it has a hard learning curve.
Ask the community if you get into any issues or got any questions and they will help you out.
I can start of saying i know of a sutch corp - Critical Mass Inc. They are a wormhole corporation (C2) that do PvP and PvE. They are heavely into industry and mining. Give them a look and say hi from me
Otherwise i can offer you my own thing that i am currently trying to build up from the ground. Roleplaying player made lore based upon the eve lore stories & a player government to boot. Recruiting!
Have a read there and you will find it very interesting. (That’s my guess anyways )
We are new player friendly and help out with the hard learning curve in eve online to our best of our abillities. We are into rp, the lore, faction warfare, PvE and PvP. (mining included in pve) oh, forgot to mention as well Sov. ( in the near future but will try to do it from the get go.)
Hope to hear from you and i wish you good forture in your story in eve!
With kind regards
// Tryme Trymsson