Im looking to buy a c5 Cataclysmic that is empty or has a astrohouse in it that would be turned over to me. Prefer a 5-3 static. Don’t have a set price and will negotiate depending on what you have.
message me in game or on discord last77#1726
Any special statics?
How about POSes?
Does it matter who owns the medium citadels?
Do you care about the region?
And how much are you willing to pay?
looking for a 5-3 static I dont really care about poses as long as they are not active and I need to own the medium citadel and dont want any other citadels owned by other people in system. As for price am looking to get something under 3 bil but depends what is in the hole and stuff like that.
Ah, so it should shouldnt have any structures, that you wont own in the end? Cant help you then.
yes no other citadels that are owned by other people
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