Looking for new home. 225mil + sp

Hey there!
Looks like you would can find a good spot inside our corporation and alliance!
Speaking honestly, as a corporation - we are small, but only as a corporation. I started my own project and continue to work on it, my aim was to make a null sec corporation for like-minded players - RL first attitude (I am a medical student so also sometimes a bit busy with rl, also time for gf, for some basketball etc) and I can say that i achieved it. We are part of LORDE alliance - old one, our core players have been playing with each other for years. ~7 month ago they came from a break and we decided to move ourselves down in null sec. We act like a small family, there are no borders due to different corporations. We understand that our strength in good connections between each other so we always make alliance wide stuff, not only corporation one. (But we have some friendly competitions inside, like who would have more kills by the end of the month :slight_smile:)
We don’t like huge blocks as well. It is just out of our interests. Currently, we live in Tenerifis region as a part of Mistakes were Made coalition. Since we joined we have become major force in this coalition while we had somewhere 20 active members. We lead killboard by kills per month not only among other blued alliances but in a hole region. And we continue to grow up, nowadays we have more active members from both EU and US TZ. They also have their own lives but we all enjoy flying together, shooting stuff and make fun on comms while we are in-game.
We prefer to do all stuff by ourselves. There are good FCs in coalition, but our ones is greatest - from specter fleet and bombers bar. We have good indy pilots, who can build anything. I have access to lots of BPOs and make free copies for anybody in alliance/corporation who wants to start their own production. Also recently we started fun low sec roams to train newbie pilots some pvp and enjoy this game even more.
Currently we are at war with russian’s block in tenerifis, our aim is to have all region under our control. That being said, we are not a block so there are no blue donuts.
For communication we use both discord and TS3.
If you are intrested either mail me in game or you can rich me via discord - Glorfindeil#2642 (in discord i will answer pretty fast)
If you are not interested thank you for reading this long post and best of luck in both rl and eve! :slight_smile: