Looking for home to make some Dank Iskies and blow up some ships. Can fly minnie specced ships, dread, carrier and SC.
Willing to help out corp but would like to find a stable home where I can make some good moneys to support my pvp.
We are not renters but we do have some good sov space in Fade with MOA alliance. https://discord.gg/zTXWBcT is our corporate discord if youd like to stop by and gice us a look.
Want to check out Mostly Sober? we have an active group with alliance and coalition fleets running pretty much 24/7. We have plenty of action so you wont be bored looking for PVP. Want to hear more check out the standard blob below
Mostly Sober is an experienced group of pilots that has expertise in all aspects of EVE but with a focus on PVP. We are led by the outlaw himself, MrChuckNorris, One of the best/most chill FC/Alliance leads in the game. We are Alliance members of The Bastard Cartel, who specialize in quality over quantity and are currently operating in the content rich regions of Tenerifis, Catch, Curse, & Immensea Fly Safe…Fly Dangerous…Fly Sober…Well Mostly Sober
We own sov in Cloud Ring (not renting) as apart of the Galmilistan coalition. http://bit.ly/FEDUPDiscord is our alliance Discord server if you would like to stop by and give us a look.
Why don’t you check out MMDS! We are a Null-Sec Corporation and part of Legacy Coalition.
We would be happy to help you out with whatever role you want to fulfil! We have a very friendly community ranging from new players to veterans!
Feel free to send me a mail if you have any questions! Or join our public channel: MMDS