Looking for small/mid scale PvP focused corp


Well, I’m not native English speaker, so hope your eyes won’t bleed from my grammar mistakes.

A bit about myself
38y/o, I’m playing eve from 2011 with breaks due to real life or some reasons for rage quit - SomerBlink/Iwantisk.

I returned few years ago and now active, hope for a long period of time, playing EU tz ±3h, depending on mood.

I have 3 subbed accounts dedicated to different roles - subcap, cap, and semi

As my poor zkb on shows, I’m trying to small scale PvP, but unfortunately my mates are not ready to go more expensive ships, so not wide range target opportunity.
I’m looking for competitive gaming, but without “zkb is your god”

So I’m looking for PvP corp, no F1, no big fleets, active every day, with mates willing to learn/teach discuss.

Not interested in gate camping, wh fight on hole, they are not about skill.

I’m isk sufficient, but I’m gonna try sometimes 3 frig abyss to increase multiwindow management.

Thanks, hope I wasn’t rude in my message, cause I already lose hope - small scale are mostly for elitists or 1 day per week players(

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Welcome back to EVE!

Feel free to check out our corp advertisement, maybe we can be something for you :slight_smile:

You can also look us up ingame or join our discord if you seek more info. :slight_smile:

hi there m8

I guess we are it :slight_smile:

Check our latest video and get an idea of what we do

Hey Barcode, Come check out our forum post. It’ll give you some info about us and what we are about! there is link to our discord if you have any questions! hope to see you around!


Hey MrBarcode,

First off—your English is great, and no eyes are bleeding here! You sound like exactly the kind of pilot we love flying with at Black Layer Syndicate—experienced, independent, and looking for real small-scale PvP without the toxic “killboard is everything” mentality.

Why We Might Be a Good Fit for You:

:boom: PvP That’s Actually Fun

Small-Gang Roams & Skirmishes Every Day – No “press F1 and wait” nonsense

No Gate Camp Grinding – We prefer real fights, real engagements, real skill

Active Players in EU TZ – You’ll always find mates to fly with

:dart: No Elitism, Just Good Pilots & Good Fights

We fly what makes sense, not just cheap doctrines

We encourage skill growth, not “git gud” toxicity

PvP is about learning, adapting, and having fun—not worshipping zKill

:moneybag: ISK Isn’t a Problem Here

You’re ISK-sufficient? Even better—we fly to fight, not to farm

Frigate Abyssals are a great ISK source – You’ll fit in just fine

Corp Support for Logistics & Market Access – Just in case you ever need it

Who We’re Looking For:

:white_check_mark: PvP pilots who want daily content, not just once-a-week roams
:white_check_mark: People who think for themselves, not just follow an FC blindly
:white_check_mark: Mates who want to improve, learn, and actually enjoy fights

We’re not another soulless zKill-worshipping corp, we just love flying together, experimenting, and having good fights without the pressure of “never lose a ship” nonsense.

:telephone_receiver: Public Channel: TEAR5
:studio_microphone: Discord: Black Layer Syndicate

If you’re tired of waiting for PvP and just want to fight, learn, and have a laugh, come check us out. No elitism, no mandatory doctrines, just explosions.

Fly dangerous o7

Hay bud am looking for vets to join my corp we live in sov null so plenty of pew pew if you want it we like to have a laugh and have fun. RL comes first with us all if you fancy a chat jump on our discord.

Hi there! I am glad to say we are a pvp corp :smiley:

We live in a C2 with 0.0 and C5 statics, best of both worlds for content. I kid you not that we have 24/7 pvp, fleets formed 2-3 times per day, sometimes more. We offer so, so, so much to our members, from 100% SRP, no activity requirements, ships on contracts in WH, help with logistics and even free items in corp hangars after trial. Basically take it from someone who’s been playing for years and years. We have banter, we’re very chill and fun group but the playstyle is what makes it fun. Having no blues in eve but having so much content. We do variety of pew pew from nano skirmishes, fleet fights, ESS baiting, black ops dropping, heavy wormhole brawls.

It’s a unique experience.

We’re a chill corp (family run with myself, my brother and father) and have a good core leadership that are together for years now. We started back in 2013 and spent most of the time in nullsec but we preferred to just have content on pladder any time of the day. We’re very chill and easygoing group and think you’d fit in. We have no activity requirements, relaxed but PVP every single day, feel free to verify it with our killboard. There’s so much I could describe but I heavily suggest you read our recruitment post for more information.

For more information check out our recruitment thread and hope to see you soon if you’re keen to “re-ignite” your spark to eve :slight_smile: