Looking for small WH EUTZ PVP Corp

Hi, i am looking for small (not more that 10 ppl in fleet) PVP WH corp, i am experienced player.
I like well organized corporatons where people are scanning for content, not wait for it in stations.
Please PM me on Wandering Fitzy, i would like to talk first on discord or whtvr.


Krypted gaming hands down

Hi there,

Krypted Gaming is a small tight nit group and we live in low class wormholes and are constantly scanning for content.

We have all sorts of pvp from microgang roams to null sec, big brawls in whs and even blops hunting.

If you would like to talk on me on discord please see my details below.

https://discord.gg/7r9WA5x - our discord link as well

Hi @Wandering_Fitzy
Are you dead set on being in a WH corp?
If not 100% set - you should check out FUN inc!

thx, but WH is where i like to fly, thx anyway


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i will contact you, thx Dractox

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