Looking for UK/ EU corp


While we do need API’s, it’s not a full API. We ask for everything apart from Jump Lones, Bookmarks etc, it’s more for Skills and Unusual Assets, for example, ~ Pilot has a Super and may need help moving assets, might have been given it by an Enemy Alliance etc, Random payments from enemies etc always a concern.

However we actually use API’s for something far more automated, we use them to keep our comms clear of neutrals/enemies/ex-members when you leave our Corp, your API updates, removes you from our forums/comms etc and then auto deletes it. The idea is to minimize the chances of us having spies lingering for years in your comms and then suddenly appearing later on, not to mention a lot less tedious when assigning someone roles/permissions/passwords to about 6 different coalition/alliance websites/timers/fleets/comms and has become a necessity simply for ease of access.

Renter corps who are not involved in many things etc can understandably don’t need API’s however you’re thinking of Corporations as something their not, they’re effectively jobs and APIs are like a Resume, part of a Screening process for bad eggs, much like interviews and references, unfortionately this game encourages dishonesty and CCP doesn’t have any retribution like other games or Real Life for Cheating etc so you have to expect reasonable measures to be taken to reduce this possibility, add an ingame systems where theft and AWOXING actually has punishable acts and you can to some degree rely on your “innocent until proven guilty” doesn’t work here as a result of no retributional acts from “law enforcement”.

Sorry for the derail!

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