Magister Mortalis. Raid nullsec with us!

Hi Rudnik Bor

Sorry for the late reply.
But yes we are still looking for pilots who wishes to join us on our endavours in EvE and Null Sec.
So if our US recruiter isn’t not contacting you, then please jump in our channel “Zen rolling”

I might put in a request when I am back from holliday, if the recrutment is still open, I am EU timezone, I dont hope you live in a pos AS we did back in the days, the blackout in null looks very promising.

I can fly most ships up to a Titans.

Have lived in wh before.

Do you do any pve stuff when no PvP is going on.

Sorry for the late reply I’ve added you on Discord once you accept the friend request I’ll get in contact with you

Hi Lordjanuss

We are always looking for pilots who are willing to commit to the ways of bob.
When you are back home from your vacation to the outer reach then join us on our ingame channel
“Zen rolling”

We are both EU and US tz and when we don’t pvp well then you can do what ever you feel like.
Rolling the c6 for content in any form or the NS totally upto you :slight_smile:

The blackout is awesome

Bump :slight_smile:

Bump Chump


Whoops Bumped into you

I’m recently in the market for a new corp. Small tight knit group would probably be the best for me in a learning capacity. I need to learn the ins and outs of proper PVP fits and how to PVP in general. I was a carebear for many years and i’ve only had a handfull of pvp engagements. And those few fights i DID have were so exciting. If you guys would have patience with me i’d really like to join a well oiled corp.



Bumped the more people the better

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