[MERCS] BLACKFLAG and VMG. - Mercenary Services [ BLACKFLAG.] [VMG]

Contact me in game.

To the top. As always.

I endorce this product and or service. 10/10

was some butthurt? See the next mach undock in 10secs? Being rich irl rocks children and angry sociopaths…lol. I was waiting for a reaction and what I got was rather sad, no direct confrontation…a pathetic gank that can’t fail.

Portugese speaking ganking corps are no help also, weak alliance of rusty shyte. HAHAHAHA What happened to eve and it’s “mercs”?

Your reactions and obvious rage explosion were obvious. Thanks for feeding me.


You could not even last in Hell Dawn because you are so bad. And that is saying something.

The forums is the only place you can run your mouth because at least like all the other pretenders you cannot be shot at when posting on the forums.


haha this game doiesn’t speak for it’s origins…you all need 10-1 odds ALWAYS…cowards. thread closed.

Have you considered that your attitude is the problem here? If someone else has ten friends, and you have zero, then you should probably train your social skills.

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Eve and my time in reality are different youth (in mind anyways) I won’t boast to this group of real winners and their issues and need to show their impotent rage in a spectalar way. I don’t think I ever came here looking for friends after I had read some of the things occurred in the history of this game.

I only want contacts I can ttrust and there’s none…answer.

That is the funny part. The only impotent rage on display is yours.

Hire us for more displays of impotent rage as the forums is the place they can attack us.

Sometimes other High Sec Mercs just have to do a spot of mining:

Retriever | Michael DosSantos | Killmail | zKillboard

Hire us and save lives!

Hiring us over the festive period means we stay in away from covid. Save lives and keep us next to the computer!

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Athanor | Vitai Lampada | Killmail | zKillboard

Top of the food chain. Hire us.

Hire BlackFlag.

Hire us to do your dirty work…

Want to join us with what we do:

(Mercenary Alliance - PVP ONLY - HIGH SEC) We offer players PVP content constantly:

We do: Citadel, Attack, defence, protection, hunt and kill

We expect a team mentality - CTA and Alliance OPS - You should want to be there.

We offer a great gamining community

We fully SRP Logi and Alliance ops.

You can make ISK PVPing and we expect you to fly BLING just as we do.

Minimum of 60 mil SP, fly Rattlesnake, Machariel, Nightmare, T3s, Logi - Guardians - Basi

Minimum Requirement of 2-3 Accounts: DPS and Logi. Logi toon needs to fly Guardian and basi

Hire BlackFlag. We have awesome pvp pilots for hire:

Want to join us with what we do:

(Mercenary Alliance - PVP ONLY - HIGH SEC) We offer players PVP content constantly:

We do: Citadel, Attack, defence, protection, hunt and kill

We expect a team mentality - CTA and Alliance OPS - You should want to be there.

We offer a great gamining community

We fully SRP Logi and Alliance ops.

You can make ISK PVPing and we expect you to fly BLING just as we do.

Minimum of 60 mil SP, fly Rattlesnake, Machariel, Nightmare, T3s, Logi - Guardians - Basi

Minimum Requirement of 2-3 Accounts: DPS and Logi. Logi toon needs to fly Guardian and basi

Hire Blackflag. We have fan boys and salt making machines. Hire the best.