🛠️ [.MIL] Militant Industrialists - Sov Null | PvP | Industry | Mining - US/EU TZ

Only omega stat player are alowed ?

Yes, that’s our corp’s policy.

Omega accounts have more in-game skills available (e.g. planetary interaction, mining barges/exhumers, expedition frigates, cloaking, etc.) to facilitate their success and the corp’s objectives in null sec.

Other corps, such as Eve University or various high-sec corps, may be geared more towards helping Alpha accounts and/or new players.

Looking for more!

Joined not that long ago. Good group of folks. Really helpful for those getting started.
Razor alliance is great as well.

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Get in here before the next big moon pop!

Too many rocks, not enough miners!

Already caught up to November’s numbers by mid-December. Come hang out and make some ISKies for new, shiny things to lose.

Looking for more!

Still looking for YOU!

Merry Christmas, my fellow nerds! :christmas_tree:

Still seeking like-minded players!

Still recruiting!

.MIL in numbers for December 2024:

  • Mined ores and ice worth well over 130B ISK in reprocessed value, almost doubling last month’s numbers despite the holidays.
  • Finished manufacturing yet another Orca and our first Obelisk freighter, as we prep materials for Anshar jump freighter production in January.
  • Built and donated 270 ship hulls to the alliance for home defense and fun roams.

Happy New Year, nerds! Come start the year off right by joining our tight-knit community. We are looking for more good dudes with a little grit and a great attitude.

New corp projects starting today!

Still recruiting and starting the new year stronger than ever!

Still looking for YOU!

Still welcoming new members, veterans and newbros alike!

Still actively recruiting!

For the homies.

Recruitment still open!