🛠️ [.MIL] Militant Industrialists - Sov Null | PvP | Industry | Mining - US/EU TZ

And now making lancer dreads!

Recruitment still open - come join a welcoming community!

Well well well… took you long enough to find us.

How did all of you read this ad and nobody told me there was a typo in our logo? I swear every time I update it, I add a brand new typo.

Still recruiting!

Recruitment still open!

Still recruiting!

Old player returning, don’t lie pretty much forgot how to play effectively, 2 of my chars are Indy based one more towards freight never got to jump freighter though

Hey, we’d love to chat with you! Are you able to hop in our Discord (link is in the main post)?

Recruitment still open!

Come join a tight-knit community in a rich part of null!

Hi I love the ideology of the Corp and would love to join will be on discord within the hour

Hey there, just DM me when ready to chat on voice. Sometimes we are in private channels when mining. I’m around and looking forward to chatting.

Recruitment still open!

Still looking for YOU!

We have Mercoxit.

Still looking for YOU!

New week, new ships to build, new rocks to mine.

Who’s excited for null sec mining changes?!

Still looking for YOU!