Monthly Economic Report - October 2019

I like where your head’s at for most of your post, but I’d note this would affect manufacturers negatively. Lack of the ISK faucet is great but even more equipment faucets will affect that activity greatly.

No, no, no. We need more ISK in game not more loot.


So be nice because I am a newbro, but what is going on in Delve to make it such a profitable place?

NPC loot as in drops sell-able to NPC markets like Triglavian Databases or Sleeper Data Libraries. Sites still put out the same isk worth, but it has to be gathered from destroyed ships and turned in to an NPC station.

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Player use very powerful ships to kill enemy NPCs at high speeds. Typically this is a very dangerous activity because player PvP risk. However Delve is highly protected by Goonswarm federation making the activity safe.


Blue loot and red loot, IOW… the shorthands. ;D

IDEA : Can we get a version of the trade data that excludes PLEX? (and maybe MCTs and Skill extractors/injectors too)

PLEX is a huge factor in the total regional trade sums, but, it is not a normal trade commodity. It is just produced by real money and is consumed as (or in liu of) real money … it’s not mined or otherwise produced or consumed by normal player activity, so it’s not really a part of the ‘normal’ in-game economy … but relative to the normal economy it has huge isk velocity, thus inflating total regional trade numbers with garbage sums and thus hiding practical regional economic data.

I don’t think this is a huge request on CCP who already produces these reports and has the tools to adjust them with relative ease, and neither is it really any threat to anyone’s economic-data-security because PLEX trade is already visible data in the game.


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