I was inspired by Ms. Jenneth’s reply, and my main thesis will be:
“Nobody ever should take a decision to save or take a life based only or predominantly on the morality.”
And I strongly disagree with the need of binding anyone to other person who will make such decisions. First of all, because it doesn’t really matter who will take the final decision and it looks to me as just a mean of evading responsibility for pulling a trigger.
But my main issue is with taking a decision to kill someone using a “moral sensibility”. Because, basically, it comes to formula:
If I think you’re a BAD person, I shall be able to KILL you.
Can you imagine a pure CHAOS it will rise if ALL the people will suddenly start following this scheme? You could just kill your neighbor if you will think he is amoral and if you think killing him will be moral. Or, can you imagine if I myself would follow this formula? You pretty much aware, that I consider gallentes to be highly indecent and amoral people, but what if I jump into Crystal Boulevard, pull out a gun and shoot whomever I can find wearing too revealing clothes, then quickly extract before their police will arrive and put a report on a table of Navy admiral… Oh, and trust me, if I do that, I’ll either will be sent to mental clinic or will be executed by the Navy itself, even if I tell and prove them how bad these people were. Despite how bad they were, I simply had NO valid reasons to kill them, even if everyone in the Navy will agree with me that they were bad people, they will never agree with me killing them.
And if now we switch to the topic of justice - it is one of the main principles for judges, you provide them with facts, they provide you with law. They don’t estimate your merit, they don’t estimate your moral, they don’t consider if it is moral to kill you or not, they don’t consider that other judges said or other people think. Their job is to provide law for your facts.
Because no one shall decide on such matter just because of their like or dislike of a person, and morals, in the end, come down to these questions, of acceptance, of liking, of your own understanding what is right or wrong.
That’s the difference with the law, it is a code, written set of rules, which you either violate or follow.
Of course, judges are humans too, they can have their own likes and dislikes, their own morals, that’s why in many systems, for example, in quick court martials, you can have three judges instead of one to minimize simply risk of human error.
Whatever your morals are, never ever use so-called moral sensibility when you take a decision of life and death, becasue whatever you chose, even if other people will agree with your morals, just a mere fact of making such decision on a moral sensibility will make that decision the most amoral one.
After all, people you kill or save - they’re just humans like you, they have their own life, their familites, plans, their own destiny ahead of them, and, of course, their own morals, they could consider them to be moral and you amoral, and they might consider it’s you who shall die, and they should live.
The decisions you take shall be based on the pure necessity of sparing them or the necessity of killing them. A cold and well-weighted calculation must precede any “moral sensibility”, because life and death are the most important questions in our Universe, that shouldn’t be taken lightly.
The other side of the story is that we are combat pilots. That’s what our capsule interface provides us with. And, really, proper soldier shall never ever question “is it moral to kill an enemy?”
If any of you need ANY SORT OF MORAL JUSTIFICATION of your actions, drop your capsule and go to the kitchen to bake potatoes for soldiers who know how to fight, okay?
I like that part of Ms. Jenneth that she kills people just because she was ordered to. Not beause she thinks it’s “right”, but because she got an order.
And as soldiers we must execute all orders, disregarding how morally right or wrong they are. For us in the State the highest morality is Honor, but even that never shall stand on the way of executing orders, and we have a simple solution: if you think that the order will violate your honor, you execute the order and then commit suicide to regain your honor. That’s what you do if you’re a professional soldier. Orders are not to be questioned.
The only time you’re allowed to violate the order is when the given order is illegal. For example, if one of commanding officers orders you to shoot another commanding officer, without seeing them doing anything clearly illegal, you can ask them bluntly, “What the ■■■■?!”
Now here comes other part - that we are not simple soldiers, but we are actually captains and commanders, we pilot vessels and quite often - without fleet commander or other officer who can give us orders. And inside our ships we are executive officers and we have to take decision and responsibility of life and death.
And again, as military commanders we must take decisions based on rules, laws, treaties, obligations, and of course, necessity. Good military commander is a goal-oriented person who can achieve the objective with the lest losses and costs. Moreover, if you’ll be bothered with the morality of actions you’ll be taking, most likely it will stunt your growth. The questions you shall ask is not whether particular killing will be morally sensible, but whether it will be allowed and necessary.
Otherwise, how would you better than the same GEWNS, doing stuff like “Burn Jita!”. They pretty much convinced themselves that they do it morally right for the betterment, awareness, or whatever else they invoke in their rhetorics, telling everyone that it is totally okay. But CONCORD said NO. That’s not okay. And that’s a rule. And they keep dying for violating that rule.
Another example, is this “CODE” group, that introduces their own law system, which contradicts official one. They believe their set of rules is morally better than official rules, so they try to coerce industrial pilots - and not even to follow their law, but just to pay them extortion fees, while neither of their kills is legally allowed or necessary.
And, as a conclusion, I’ll just tell what rules I myself do follow when I decide to kill anyone. Well, of course, I mean the situation where I have to take a decision myself and not just following an order of a superior officer, like a fleet commander.
For me, any ship that is marked as enemy by the State and CONCORD is an allowed target to kill. It includes, but not limited to: any FDU and TLF pilots, any baseline pirates and capsuleer pirates with security status below -5.0, any capsuleer with suspect status. They’re allowed targets. Necessary targets for me - every and all FDU/TLF/FedNavy/Republic Navy pilots, as they represent the direct threat to our State. Necessity of engaging other target I estimate on the grid considering their behavior. And the most determining factor in that regard would be whether they behave hostile towards the State and soldiers of the State (like me and those I fly with). Finally, when legality with necessary contradict each other, I usually stick to the legality, breaking it only in extreme cases: I surely will attack those, who behave in clearly hostile manner just to prevent them taking the first action, even if it will make me a suspect (for example, killing a neutral pilot for entering State military compound without declaring their intentions).
Finally, I’d like to emphasize one more time, that we are humans, yes, still same humans just with electronics that allows us to connect to hydrostatic capsules. And just like all humans, we are still prone to making typical human mistakes. It’s not even theoretically possible to safeguard ourselves completely from making them, and yet, there are rules that could help us allow to minimize it. We are not gods and spirits to decide who is worthy to live or die, who is good and who is bad. And if you are going to fight someone just on a basis of morality - you’ll become one of those, whom are you fighting against. You may declare yourselves blue, you may declare yourselves red, yourselves - ultimate good and your enemies as ultimate evil. But once you fight them just because they’re evil - you’ll be just like them. Same core: murdering others just because of some silly idealistic nonsence.