Multiple Rorqual and build pilot

okay,66B for Ibiki_Omaristos, Yllianah_Watatabe and Albinuta_Trudnica.

confiming, 66b for Ibiki_Omaristos, Yllianah_Watatabe and Albinuta_Trudnica. waiting isk and account info to any of those 3 toons

I confirm my three accounts for this trade,One character is Kathy Zan ,another is Monitor Zan and one is Nanomi Zan

all 66b isk and accounts have been send to the Ibiki_Omaristos, Yllianah_Watatabe and Albinuta_Trudnica.plz confirm!

All character transfer have been initiated to the respective accounts.

Rorqual lad is currently reserved by a friend so sales are closed

i confirmed the three characters had been transferred into my three account. Hi I want this and 19B is ready

isk send for rorqual lad as talked about ingame

isk received transfer started no more toon to sell

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