Nerf Ganking Megathread

My family invented showers in the dark ages and were burned as heretics. People just didn’t want to be clean back then.

They would have been good EVE players.

That sentence hurts my history tooth

No, my revenge is petty. I’ll happily pay mercs billions to repeatedly gank someone who cost me $50 mil.

Is that how that throw in the bar of soap into the bathtub joke came about?

← "Minmatar British"

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I’m disappointed more haven’t done the same as you well done , its the kind of blowing your own trumpet i thought these types would jump at.


i like how @ISD_Traindriver has solved the perpetual endless whinging by using @Shipwreck_Jones’s thread as a garbage dump to place all the ganking spergs


Well its stop you lot getting them locked. Sure we can find away to report on your shenanigans if you start up again

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I haven’t broken the EULA.

Why write that , did i say you had

Githany, sometimes I forget that you aren’t here in good faith.

I actually am, but you think as you see fit

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No, you are just roleplaying.

Antigankers are the most toxic people in the community.

Only got to read the eve news to know, like i said before lets move on

I’m sure you’ll find ways as eve changes to commit murder and mayhem on grand scales and i look forward to trying to stop you

Move on to what?

Perhaps we include Concord as clearly they are No. 1 at ganking.


No, it can actually reduce the time it takes you to align. However, it’s most important function is to allow you to remain aligned at all times while not constantly flying out of range of the roids.

And do note, while the mining while aligned strat can work, it’s generally more successful in the hands of more attentive and experienced players. Others might consider just rolling with a strong tank.

Also, mining kind of sucks, and most players move on from it sooner or later (Mining Barge was the number 1 extracted skill a year after injectors came out). Now, it is a good social activity, it’s not very lucrative for a newbie, and it’s not very challenging or exciting as a PvE activity (well, aside from the emergent game play opportunities that gankers provide :stuck_out_tongue: ). Of course, if it’s your jam, don’t let me stop you (and maybe join a mining group for all the benefits that brings). However, I encourage you to explore other activities if you’re not too thrilled about mining.

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It is rather telling that the ISD are dumping any ganking discussion into a nerf ganking whine thread. I find this truly hilarious, but also more than a little bit worrying…

NB. The previous thread where this type of thing happened was called “AFK cloaky Camping” which was a neutral name and it was in the Player Features and Ideas section of the forums not in Crime and Punishment which is intended for individual stories of crimes and punishment.

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Ow the burn. :fire:


ISDTrainwreck doesn’t have any other responsibilities. Another CCP employee grossly overpaid for the position they hold.