Nidhoggur, Nomad Character 4 sale, in training for Rorqual

I am for sale. I have no Zkillboard history at all, and my corporate history in negligible. I can fly Nidhoggur and can do anomalies on my own, I can also fly Fenrir (Nomad). I was currently training for Roroqual and i have all necessary skillbooks injected, altho I am about 7d away to fly one.

Positive wallet and security status, no kill-rights and in NPC corp. I will pay xfer fee, and can proceed immediately once proper bid is offered.

Price? I am in no rush for ISK. Buyout is 24B. Please feel to offer what you think is fair. Thanks.

A bit low but for my purpose correct price
offering 16B

I’d offer 18.



Noted. If i don’t get anything higher within 24hrs i will sell it to you.

22.5 offer

23b isk

23.5 final offer

Noted. I have changed buyout to 24B. First one to offer it and char is sold.

24b buyout

isk ready when i get home from work in a few hours


Accepted. As per rules, ISK goes to me. Please also supply account info via evemail. Once both received, I will initiate xfer.

isk and account info sent

Received, xfer started. Thanks

character received :slight_smile:

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