☜☆☞The 7Th Sons☜☆☞
Null Sec Corp Recruiting
☜☆☞ EU TImeZone ☜☆☞
We are looking for New and experienced players to build a good community.
☜ Strong/Active leadership
☜ Daily PVP Oppurtunities
☜ Small Gang/Alliance/Coalition Fights
☜ Capital/BLOPS
☜ Laid back fun enviroment (No Drama)
Minimum entry requirements
☜Ability to fly an assault frigate with appropriate T2 weaponry.
We require: OMEGA Account!
☜ Discord and Teamspeak 3 with working Mic
☜ All pilots to be active, social and respectful towards other members.
Feel free to join our Recruitment channel T7SS Recruitment
Or jump on to our DISCORD for a chat, https://discord.gg/VZKyV3K