Nullsec? 80mil sp pvp. Rorq alt, carrier/super alt and 3 dread pilots in training

Hey there! [XMETA] Mecha Enterprises Fleet PVP Corp Low Sec and Null SEC Recruiting!

I think you would fit right in with our members!

We are part of a medium sized alliance and we’re casual friendly. We encourage mingling within corporations, and in fact the entire alliance really works as one large corporation, doing everything together.

We own nullsec sovereignty, including systems upgraded for mining and ratting with your carrier, and there is also a friendly Keepstar in our sovereignty as well. We own great moons in both nullsec and lowsec, as well as an Azbel to build capitals in our main home system in Lowsec.

We also have clear defined alliance goals so that everyone can feel like they are participating to a bigger cause. We have taken over our sovereignty without the help of outside sources and we have defended it for almost a year now succesfully from all invasion attempts, including from the likes of Circle of Two and the Guardians of the Galaxy coalition. We have the best private market in all of Lowsec, and we are a PVP focused alliance who isn’t afraid to fight and carry it’s own weight, and we’re often called on to help others in their fights.

Mecha Enterprises Fleet requires 25+ mil SP to join, though the alliance also has a new player friendly corporation, Aideron Robotics.

If you want to know more, join our Discord here and a recruiter will get right with you and will answer all of your questions.