On slavery and the Reclaiming of souls

In this world, no one is perfect.

What is an ideal slave? Obedient and faithful, with enough intelligence to understand the master’s wishes and complete the assigned tasks. When faced with a choice, such a slave always selects the option that favors the interests of his master first. But to make such a choice without direct instructions, to be properly loyal, the slave must understand the master really well. Sort of like having a mental image of the master to follow. Thus, even if the ideal slave formally acts on his own will, he follows his inner master.

The Nation brings this ideal to perfection, with the real Master actually connected to the slaves in the mind-hive of theirs.

Those slaves who sabotage and try to escape, are far from the ideal, aren’t they? They act on their own true will, and not on their master’s, real or imaginary. And this is a good thing.

What you really do is nurture the “Caldari Prime Syndrome” in your victims. You know, when the hostages are so traumatized they break and start to side with the terrorists. Your system is built to break people to the point that they eventually form in their head the “inner master” I described above and begin to follow it. Your faith is just a part of this.

Entirely. This is why the weak ones eventually submit and emerge as loyal servants of the Empire, and the strong overcome, resist and rise.

Being stripped of free will (or, rather, following the master’s echo in one’s head in the attempts to faithfully serve) is the “ideal” state. Those who resist just don’t reach it.

No. I’m telling that slavery is a test of one to remain true to themselves. If that person fails the test, it’s their weakness, and it’s bad. If that person overcomes and emerges free against the will of their master, it’s good.

No, I’m not interested in that. To force someone to resist at gunpoint is a bad idea. That slave will just backstab you and return to their comfy herd.

Not really interested, sorry.

What I really want is to break up the pyramids of power you people dedicate most your lives to build. The Empire is just the biggest one that creates the most suffering for those at the bottom of it.

I doubt that.