[PC] Entire Commander's Dress Jackets & Pants set as a whole pack

Asking price check for the following limited apparel perfect set.
This is a preliminary research to measure the price of entire commander’s dress jackets and pants set as a complete pack for the possible future P4G. ( Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to let them go for other than P4G, also not promising them to be released for future P4G )
The pack contains both of women’s and men’s commander’s dress jackets and pants sets for all four major empire variant and additional kimotoro eskeitan edition.

Men’s apparels

Men’s State Commander’s Dress Jacket

Men’s State Commander’s Dress Pants

Men’s Federation Commander’s Dress Jacket

Men’s Federation Commander’s Dress Pants

Men’s Imperial Commander’s Dress Jacket

Men’s Imperial Commander’s Dress Pants

Men’s Republic Commander’s Dress Jacket

Men’s Republic Commander’s Dress Pants

Men’s Kimotoro Eskeitan Commander’s Jacket

Men’s Kimotoro Eskeitan Commander’s Pants

Women’s apparels

Women’s State Commander’s Dress Jacket

Women’s State Commander’s Dress Pants

Women’s Federation Commander’s Dress Jacket

Women’s Federation Commander’s Dress Pants

Women’s Imperial Commander’s Dress Jacket

Women’s Imperial Commander’s Dress Pants

Women’s Republic Commander’s Dress Jacket

Women’s Republic Commander’s Dress Pants

Women’s Kimotoro Eskeitan Commander’s Jacket

Women’s Kimotoro Eskeitan Commander’s Pants

I’ll evemail you tomorrow when I’m in game. I’m interested in taking them all

no inquiry so far.

im interested in the female state commander set

What’s your pricing?

You got mail =)

Thanks Shaktar !
Sent back a mail to you.

Sent you a mail in game :slight_smile:

interested in the [Men’s Imperial Commander’s Dress Jacket and/or pants if they are still available

any of these still around?

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Still looking :face_with_monocle:

I’m also looking for a few of these sets if anyone is selling :slight_smile:

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Very interested in the men’s state commander set if anyone has one for sale.

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