PhoenixFire Industry Ascendant - Recruiting Filthy Casuals and Hardcore Nutcases

PFINA_Logo “Have I messed up your day significantly yet?” - Kayou Aldeshaar, CEO

We’re a HS/LS Corporation forged within the heart of a phoenix! Industry is the name of the game (and our name). Moon rock harvesting! Pirate hunting! Sticking a casual middle finger at the powers that be! We are PhoenixFire Industry Ascendant; a corps built for filthy casuals and the hardcore alike! Like what you’re hearing? Join today! Join our Discord here and check us (or just Kayou) out [HERE]

Ranking Officers of PFINA:

Kayou Aldeshaar - CEO

Mr. Frank - Co-Founder

Watari Yukimura - Foreman

I hate this corp and everything it stands for! They will burn!

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Mr Frank heartily endorses this product and or service.

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