PLEX Prices

im up to that

Strong focus on Faction War for the next two years will allow Capsuleers to focus on one to four main pilots and bench the SP Farm pilots.

Don’t quit, don’t feel bad, the investment in both time and money will return as fun/ exciting gameplay as other opportunities present themselves in the future just give Faction War the attention it requires.

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Let’s hope it will go as you describe. I myself await to see, though considering CCP’s track record am not having my hopes up, but will give it a try and see for myself once it’s out and I have time to partake. Can only hope it will be good and worthwhile.

There is inflation irl, so you need to work more for CCP…
or just use real money and buy plex,
they want it bad.

Bro, is you just crying all over the forums now or

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