PLEX Prices

[ sass routine error ]

Thanks! You too, friend!

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Maybe CCP should consider 170 PLEX for 30 day omega option as in eve echoes, but very very low training speed.


Pay the Money value of a Subscription and receive 170 plex is how I am reading that idea

When you think about that protentual that allows any Omega Capsuleer to engage in FW pvp battles a lot faster. That is a very good suggestion and hope others see the light in that idea.


wow , i like it
non training omega for 170

No wait that sounds like a Alpha with 170 plex in wallet for how much?

i use to pay 500 plex for thermodynamics and impel etc…
i would like to pay 170 for 1 month fun
don care for the SP

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SP are worthless these days…

Long gone are those times, that ACTUALLY rewarded the players that subbed for a decade.

As for the price of PLEX, well, that’s debatable…

You could anchor a small POS in a Wormhole and make 500 plex in a week…

OR - you could anchor a STRUCTURE and TAKE a week to unanchor it with all the risk involvled…

CCP say RISK vs Reward but W-Space has almost ZERO Risk currently…


I must ask Vinnie from the WHPD to verifty such claim as I am more terrified of WHS than I am visiting Lowsec Tama.

Vinnie is one of the few to keep W-Space alive these days…

I tip my hat to him and those that fly in his corp also…

They work DAMN hard to find content :slight_smile:

The ISSUE is … how many accounts do you keep alive when you are not within 3 of Jita…

** Editied **

It’s HIGHLY unlucky you will Cross Vinnie and his crew unless you are close to Jita…

And if you DO - and you kinda know how to live in a hole - then Vinnie is NOT the guy that will come kick you out.

If he does, then Damn, post a link here cause he makes some Aweome youtube’s :slight_smile:

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Plex Prices today…
To The Moon

PLEX Prices are not an issue. Skill Injector Prices are.
They are way to low. Should be around 1.3B. THAT gap is the issue.

The 40% off has expired.

How were the servers the login queues, the graphics? What was New Eden really like back then?

Wait that was just Y123 (2021)

The servers are great, the graphics are awesome. I think the game has improved since back then!

Unless you are referring towards 1 to 2 m isk per plex?

Yes, those were the best times, I am still pretty upset that prices are 4-5 mil, meaning I have to earn 2-2.5b to get 30 days of Omega. I am currently working on extending my Omega to the third month and currently have 151 of 500 plex.

Not only for SP farms.
For Indy Players as well.
(My Toon has all the Skills she needs)

500 PLEX + 4x Extractors = ~5B
4x Large Injectors = ~3.4B

That’s -1.6B.
So playing every Month just to pay the sub, while making zero profit.
Not going to happen (anymore).

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And that’s why CCP will start to lose a lot of money.

What i see is the possibility for PLEX demand going down.

From my perspective:
Can’t afford my Accounts anymore. Not going to play to just PLEX them with zero profit (obviously).
So not buying PLEX anymore, which is more valuable to CCP then throwing a sub.

I’m also not going to sub my Account(s). Reason: new, higher Prices.

Prices are going crazy where i life (EU). Less Money to spend.
Only way i would go for a sub would be Prices go DOWN (instead of up).

To sum it up.
CCP loses the higher value PLEXed Accounts + me not going for regular subs.
(until everything should go back to normal)
If you take into Account that a lot of people will think the same way… well, guess.

But oc this is hypothetical/just a theorie since we/i don’t know the real numbers.

PS: no rant from my side. just giving subjective feedback.

I wanted to say something around SP farms was a mistake from the start and should have never been possible in the first place. It made many people lazy to actually go out there and make isk.


I don’t pay any attention to the SP/injector market really so have no particular insight here. However any SP sold must be going somewhere no? And most cost effectively on lower-sp characters.

So any SP sold (and the market hasn’t been ISK-positive for a while to my limited understanding) could be going to pump newer and mid-SP pilots up to the point of being able to do something “more SP intense”.

From that perspective, SP from a trading or indy char that’s not going to be in space risking anything anyway, may well be skilling up multiple pilots to be able to ship out in something bigger/more effective.

Yea let’s say you can activate very limited omega in game for 170 PLEX.
But you can’t train any skills, you can only be omega for 30 days with skills that you have for 170 PLEX.

For 500 PLEX you can do anything.
So maybe CCP can create 2 omega bundles.

  • For 170 you only get to be omega, can’t train skills, you can only use skills that you trained.
  • For 500 you can do anything.

That would be awesome.