Privat Sale

Buyer: xMcG
Seller: Longbear

Object of sale: MAFIOZOxNAHODKA
169,5 Mil SP + 2,437 Mil SP Unallocated (Total ~172 Mil SP)

Price: 150 Bil
Payment type: Credit line
Term of loan payment: 1 year

Date of First payment: 1 August, 2018
Monthly minimum payment: 25Bil

Terms of a transaction:
In case of non-payment of the entire amount of the contract within 1 year (1 August, 2019) - the contract is canceled with the return of the character on one side and 80% of the flattened funds on the other hand.
Every monthly payment under this contract must be reflected in this topic with indication of the sender and the recipient.
Buyer must replicate agreement of terms in this topic.
The transfer of the character is performed after the acceptance of the conditions by the buyer without the first payment

P.S. All rules for transferring the character are observed
P.P.S. Holding 24 hours for checking terms on following EULA (support ticket 718348)

I am a salesperson - to receive monthly payments

I accept this offer, i will pay isk. Account info sent.


Character transfer starting

25Bil sent

Next 25 Bil sent.

Confirmed. 50 / 150 Bil has been received

25Bil sent.

25 bil sent.

Confirmed. 100 / 150 Bil has been received

Last 50Bil sent.

Confirmed. 150 / 150 Bil has been received. Deal closed

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