@elitatwo, Correct, its name is mentioned in release notes on github if you struggle to find it.
Cheers, dear!
@Neugeniko, I’ve fixed target profile import/export, now it supports all new values (and import-wise both formats work: old with 4 resists, and new with 7 total values). Will be included in next release.
@Blue_Chromie, I think you posted yesterday about scrams not being applied in DPS graphs. They indeed were not supported but I found a way to add that. Likewise, will be included in next release.
The reason why scrams were not included in initial release was because calculation engine did not have support for that. I added it just before release to show cap regen difference for cap batteries and similar modules, but forgot I could use it in graphs for shutting down MWDs temporarily.
After unpacking and opening PyFA, I remembered something which I had to do 4 times now - importing my fits.
Could you add a filter that skip preexisting fits from being imported again that way I don’t suddenly have copies of fits that I already have since isolating and removing those is as tedious as deleting all your fits from the fitting browser when you want to work on a different file.
If such a filter would be really fancy, it would even go so far and ask if those fits should skipped or copied or overwritten.
Cheers dear!
i just encounter this massage.
pyfa v2.11.0dev1
EVE Data Version: 1554178 (2019-08-22 19:27:48)
OS version: Windows-10-10.0.17134-SP0
Python version: 3.6.8 (tags/v3.6.8:3c6b436a57, Dec 23 2018, 23:31:17) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)]
wxPython version: 4.0.6 (wxWidgets 3.0.5)
SQLAlchemy version: 1.3.7
Logbook version: 1.5.2
Requests version: 2.22.0
Dateutil version: 2.8.0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\projects\pyfa\gui\ssoLogin.py”, line 81, in OnLogin
RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type SsoLoginServer has been deleted
Fits are not files. You cannot have 2 files with the same name - but it’s perfectly acceptable for fits.
So how do you find out which fits are duplicated and which are not? Which parts of fit should be compared for equality and which are not?
Also, just curious, why do you have to import fits 4 times?
Seen reports on this issue a few times. While I cannot reproduce it, I will see what I can do before next bugfix release.
Could you describe what were you doing when it popped up (exact moment is important)?
edit: nevermind, reproduced and fixed it, see https://github.com/pyfa-org/Pyfa/issues/2033 for details
Ouuh because PyFA imported all of them again. So I had something like Omen copy1, ,2,3 and so forth.
I am maintaining 785 fits at the moment.
I suggest you compare them by name. It’s an XML file, so all you need to do it a check of “XML tag fitting-name a” is already in the DB or not.
Um, sounds like you’re doing something a tad screwy… why do you need to import anything at all? Are you saving fits in one place and installing each version of Pyfa into a different directory??
Because I just run the installer, it updates the install, and off I go, no need to import anything… ? This works even if you pull down the archive, so long as you extract everything to the same spot, you know, like an update, not a fresh install.
PyFA was a fresh install and I do not use M$ windoze even worse edition.
I did un-zip the archive and after updating 2 of my fitting files, I had to also re-import said files to PyFA - which made those very copies.
So I deleted the “savedata.db” and imported my 6 files again - which always takes like 10-15 minutes.
You must feel so proud! I game on Win10, cause it’s much simpler.
Um… you mean this: pyfa-v2.10.0-win.zip archive? Or (as one would assume, seeing how you’re using teh superior OS), did you use Source code(zip) and then compile it all nice for *unix. (Fake Edit: I know you don’t actually compile it, cause Python!)
Of course real men would use: Source code(tar.gz)
You’ve lost me here, you have multiple xml files that you keep different ‘sets’ of fits in (?) and it’s the importing of these that generates the “savedata.db”?
I can’t find a savedata.db anywhere, I’ve got an “eve.db” but that’s the same size in the zip (the Windoze one) as it is in my install dir (~16mb, didn’t hash it to confirm it’s exactly the same though) i’ve quickly checked a few of the other ‘windows saves crap here’ folders but got nuthin, I also haven’t ever imported fits though).
Genuinely curious, as (afaict) the only way to export is to xml files, or to ESI, but if you’ve got 750 fits I guess that exceeds the max limit on fits, so ESI is out of the question.
And if you’ve got multiple xml files, unless there’s already duplicates in those I don’t see how importing them into a fresh/clean ‘install’ would generate duplicates… and if there is already duplicates in those, well you sound like a smart cookie, I’m sure a quick bash script could root out the culprits leaving your source files all nice and dupe free
Is saved in a hidden folder that would be in c:\users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\PyFA\ or similar, I’m not sure since I can’t confirm.
Yes. Runs flawlessly with wine.
When you log into the game client and open the fitting browser, you can import or export your fits to a filename of your choosing.
That very file is an XML file of several kilobytes in size. One of the XML tags is “fitting name=“NameOfYourFit”>”.
This can be parsed and then compared to the sqlite3 database entry. It’s not rocket science (well it’s compute science…).
So if you unzip PyFA for the first time, you want to import your fitting XML files. That creates the “savedata.db” file which contains your fits and your implant sets.
If you then at another time open PyFA and again import your fitting files, you will get copies of the fits you already have like "<fitting name=“YourFittingName_copy1” or similar.
What I wanted to ask Kadesh was that this importing process should first look if such an entry is already there and then ask if you want it overwritten or made a copy of, just like you can tick and untick fits you want exported from the ingame client fitting browser.
Since you cannot select multiple fits at once, it would make as much fun as it does now to clear your personal fits of 250 entries to import a different file you want to work on.
I know this will blow most people’s minds but there is more than one way to fit a tengu or proteus.
Since the last 6.5 weeks I have been looking at matar ships and guns and for example the Tempest already has 4 entries of very viable fits.
And this is what I’d expect.
So my question becomes why would you import a file you have already imported?
Especially if (which is what it sounds like) you’re exporting everything from the client anyway (not storing doctrine fits for multiple alliances within Pyfa), so you could simply select the ‘new’ fits you’ve added/updated (from within the game client), export these to a new file and not get duplicates when bringing them into Pyfa?.. afaict even if you were doing this you could ''backup all fittings" from within Pyfa, and split up the XML file that produces to give ‘alliance doctrine’ files.
Are you maintaining separate files so they can all be brought back into the game client?
Unless there’s a fitting limit in Pyfa I’m not aware of?
I now rite! I’ve got like, 17 tengu fits, and 20something proteus fits in Pyfa it’s crazy!!.. course I’m old and slow, and only use one fit at a time, so find copy/paste works amazing… just like windoz! Kids these days & their thousands of fits, why when i was a kid, we didn’t have fits, we had to make them ourselves and… oh wait, that’s what Pyfa is for!
And I guess my point is I think you’re doing it wrong… at least that’s how it feels, because the functionality to avoid duplicates is already there (on the export from client side of things), but I can’t work out why (I now know how, it’s importing the same file multiple times).
Edit: Of course you may not be doing it wrong and I’m just missing the use case, but in that instance I’ll refer you to my earlier ‘old and slow’ comment
Ah, that’s what you meant. Yes I could do that but I don’t want to backup 93245802457280956209487569265982456425 files - I want to backup 5 at most. so I can always tell which file contains which fittings.
Imagine this, I am working on my personal fittings and corporation fittings on Singularity and I changed for example my Redeemer fit which is in my corporation fits since the black ops fits don’t fit in my personal fittings.
Once I change that fit, I export that entire file called “corporation-fits.xml”. If I only tick the Redeemer, my corporation fits will only be one Redeemer fit instead of the other 299 other fits in that file - that would be very bad.
What you propose is that I export each fit to one file which will result in 800 XML files and I have no intention to make that many.
But I also wanted to keep my PyFA up to date. That’s why I import that same file again to overwrite the fits that are already in PyFA but outdated.
Hey boys and girls, no need to argue over everyone’s habits. I also feel that there’s something wrong to me, but this is because I use pyfa very differently - I do not save fits in-game, I just make multibuy list and export fitting only when I need to multifit something. Within our corp, we are using EFT export format because it doesn’t lose too much data (like abyssal mods, implants, desired drugs etc).
My part here is to identify exact use-case - why do you do it this way, and how issue with fit duplication can be fixed, preferably without breaking any other use-cases. Unfortunately, from your discussion I still haven’t understood what you’re trying to do.
- What’s the source of multiple XML files? Are they exported from several different characters? Or is it a way to organize and store some kind of fit sets? (was answered while i was lazily typing my post)
- Have you tried ESI integration in pyfa? Is it inconvenient because it lacks batch import? Is singularity support an important factor for you?
- Do you have any fits stored under the same name for some ship, with them being not 100% replicas of each other?
To my taste, XML is quite old and shitty format, and if I can support your use-case some other way, e.g. via ESI, then I’d rather try to do that.
First thing I tried. Did nothing and couldn’t even get my character.
Yes I have. Like Omen pulse laser and Omen beam laser. So I can find them quickly.
It’s the format the client uses when you export your fitting files. The only reason I make my fits on Singularity is that I can undock them and have them field / combat tested so I can address flaws that might come up that aren’t apparent on the fitting screen.
What kind of error are you getting?
These are different names, I meant the same names.
That’s a big no.
I wouldn’t know. I click on “add character” and nothing happens. Literally nothing at all.
I’d like to think we were having a mild discussion, with some nerd humors thrown in for good measure.
I’m going to suggest this is a result of using the Windows binary on Linux, where the call to ‘default browser’ is different and/or isn’t being picked up/interpreted by wine correctly… as the first thing that happens when I click ‘add character’ is it fires off a tab in my default browser for the esi auth.
Does it make a difference if you use the not-windows zip (straight up python instead of windows wrapper)?
Alternatively have you tried hitting that button after you’ve logged into ‘account management’ in your browser of choice?.. not sure this will help as I noticed there’s a scope included in the URL it’s directing to.
PS moving sucks, being without net access sucks more!
I’d like to think so too.
Ah yes, I forgot to say, “I pressed authenticate” on my character and PyFA did nothing, so I tried it twice after that but nada.
PyFA should really be able to get the ESI auth token, since the EVE launcher does get it too (I’m using the Windoze launcher on Mint 19.2 / Ubuntu 18.4 LTS).
Why for whatever reason it doesn’t escapes me but I also don’t get any errors displayed.
I don’t know. I was so happy that the zip archived version was working right away - which it didn’t for many, many years but (don’t be offended, Kadesh) I was using EFT, then I stopped, then I was using EFT again because I like the GUI representation of EFT better than PyFA.
But after so many years of making my own fits and lately highly aggressive ones that blow my first impressions of those ships out of the water. And I never really used either of them anymore - just the fitting screen in client.
Like someone in the forums said that the Marshal was doing lower damage than any other black ops ship but I can assure you he was very mistaken and probably isn’t very good at fitting.
Or my most hated ship in the game turned out to be a laser boat after all, doing 1200dps cold - yes that neutralizing neutralizer which everyone seems to fit very wrong.