When i want to update my character skill ( Window>Character Editor>EVE SSO>Get Skills) i get the following error: Error fetching skill information.
Also when i go to eve sso - manage characters - add character my browser opens but i get the following error in all my browsers: Your connection is not secure.
Now i cant add or update my skills anyone has a solution?
From what I’fe found about this error it’s a “because we were using pyswagger, which may have been doing something funky with the certs it requires” https://github.com/pyfa-org/Pyfa/issues/1548
Seems like certificate issued to www.pyfa.io is outdated. Valid from 21.05.2018 to 19.08.2018.
I have the same issue as Moebbius.
I added EVE character a day or two ago and and after I messed enough with the skills I tried to update them from server and received the same “Error fetching skill” error.
After I tried to remove character I can not add it again. Stuck on the localhost page. Pyfa does not get a reply.
Looks like the python3-markdown is already installed and since you are searching with aptitude already, try to install the other requirements like caja, ruamel-yaml and python-debianbts.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\holme\Documents\Sync\Git\blitzmann\Pyfa\gui\builtinShipBrowser\sfBrowserItem.py”, line 333, in OnLeftUp
File “C:\Users\holme\Documents\Sync\Git\blitzmann\Pyfa\gui\builtinShipBrowser\sfBrowserItem.py”, line 50, in DoCallback
File “C:\Users\holme\Documents\Sync\Git\blitzmann\Pyfa\gui\builtinShipBrowser\fitItem.py”, line 369, in deleteBtnCB
File “C:\Users\holme\Documents\Sync\Git\blitzmann\Pyfa\gui\builtinShipBrowser\fitItem.py”, line 387, in deleteFit
File “C:\Users\holme\Documents\Sync\Git\blitzmann\Pyfa\service\fit.py”, line 220, in deleteFit
AttributeError: type object ‘type’ has no attribute ‘processors’
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\holme\Documents\Sync\Git\blitzmann\Pyfa\gui\builtinViews\fittingView.py”, line 89, in fitSelected
File “C:\Users\holme\Documents\Sync\Git\blitzmann\Pyfa\gui\builtinViews\fittingView.py”, line 342, in fitSelected
File “C:\Users\holme\Documents\Sync\Git\blitzmann\Pyfa\gui\builtinViews\fittingView.py”, line 356, in updateTab
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘ship’
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\holme\Documents\Sync\Git\blitzmann\Pyfa\gui\builtinShipBrowser\sfBrowserItem.py”, line 333, in OnLeftUp
File “C:\Users\holme\Documents\Sync\Git\blitzmann\Pyfa\gui\builtinShipBrowser\sfBrowserItem.py”, line 50, in DoCallback
File “C:\Users\holme\Documents\Sync\Git\blitzmann\Pyfa\gui\builtinShipBrowser\fitItem.py”, line 369, in deleteBtnCB
File “C:\Users\holme\Documents\Sync\Git\blitzmann\Pyfa\gui\builtinShipBrowser\fitItem.py”, line 387, in deleteFit
File “C:\Users\holme\Documents\Sync\Git\blitzmann\Pyfa\service\fit.py”, line 220, in deleteFit
AttributeError: type object ‘type’ has no attribute ‘processors’
Trying to delete fits and I get this error. Freshly installed not 15 minutes ago.
Ive used the eve SSO to manage my charcters and I have added 7 characters over 3 accounts. However I cannot see all those charcters in the drop down box in the top right, how can I populate that drop down with my other characters?
I have the same problem. I only see two characters + “all 5” and “all 0” in the list even if I add more characters. They show in the ESO manage characters window but not in the top right corner drop down list.
next to the field that says “all5” click create character and call it your character name and click ok, that field will then change to characters name
Then on the EVE SSO tab in the character editor either sleect your character from the list and click get skills OR at the bottom click "log in with eve SSO " using the account that the character you want in pyfa, choose that character and it should then be in the dop down.
OH is super easy to calculate though it would be nice to see it. I still don’t know what is the discrepancy that I posted. Clearly something is very amiss either at CCp or PYFA end and I can’t even tell what. Maybe I will open an ingame support ticket requiring clarification, this way I will at least know which is the bug.