(Mu'ad Diib)
December 2, 2020, 2:12pm
I want to place a recruitment advert here for my corporation. I couldn’t find a pinned post regarding do’s and don’ts and what the decorum is in terms of ‘bumping’ up posts. I obviously don’t want to annoy anyone so is it possible for one of the ISD’s to let me know what the rules are, please? Maybe we need a pinned post near the top setting this out, please?
Tagging @ISD , and @ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode , @ISD just to get this on the radar (apologies @ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode if this isn’t in your remit, but you were the only named ISD who I could remember well enough to tag.
Think this is what you might be looking for
The place to advertise recruitment for your corporation or alliance!
Please be aware that this section of the forums has its own additional rule set that supplements the regular forum rules.
Please be sure to read and understand these additional rules before posting.
This is the only forum category where recruitment is permitted.
If you hijack a recruitment thread, whether to promote your own recruitment or run it off course with non recruitment related chat, you are liable to receive an…
(Mu'ad Diib)
December 2, 2020, 2:27pm
Thanks @Shama_Olgidar , that’s really helpful. That was what I was looking for, I’m just not quite sure why it isn’t pinned to the top.
March 2, 2021, 2:28pm
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