RAZOR Recruiting. #YouFoundRazor

Find your way to the nearest Razor Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

Find your way to the nearest Razor Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

Find your way to the nearest Razor Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

Find your way to the nearest Razor Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

Find your way to the nearest Razor Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

Find your way to the nearest Razor Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

Find your way to the nearest Razor Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

Find your way to the nearest Razor Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

Find your way to the nearest Razor Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

Find your way to the nearest Razor Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

Find your way to the nearest Razor Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

Find your way to the nearest Razor Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

Find your way to the nearest Razor Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

Find your way to the nearest Razor Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

Find your way to the nearest Razor Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

Find your way to the nearest Razor Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

Yawn~ Come troll the likes of FRT and their “friends”

If you can actually undock your ship and fight then we got yo back.

Join Razor we got dAnK MeMes and cookies, and we sing in our CTA’a

Join Razor today or risk… BUMPing into our guns tomorrow! xD