RE: NPE/Alpha Retention. Time to Stop the Scams?

People falling for trollthreads, made by cam alts.

How low can we go…

Finally. Someone who has proof. I just hope it doesn’t take 4000 posts to actually see it.


Scamming has been part of EVE from day one. It’s one of those things that makes EVE what it is. It’s presence creates gameplay (learning to spot and avoid scams is part of ‘growing up’ in EVE) that in turn creates the 2 things a game like EVE needs to survive; a sense of accomplishment when you learn to avoid scams or even learn to counter-scam and strong emotion (in the case of scams, it’s the strong negative emotion one gets from being had, which makes normal people want to ‘get better’ so they never fall for it again).

I once paid 110 million isk or so for a Tech1 Hauler because I didn’t pay attention. It made me mad, and then it made me better, haven’t fallen for anything since. The people who come up with all this ‘protectionist’ ideas (like banning scamming or some automated lawyer system) think their ideas would help people.

But they don’t help people. They hurts them (especially newbies) by fostering a ‘false safe’ environment where no one learns the value of things like vigilance and distrust all the while HELPING the people who scam by breeding ever more victims (who are now more easily victimized because they have that stupidly false sense of security).

CCP has spent years making the game safer only to learn that safe is boring and that people ‘brought up’ in a coddling environment are at MORE risk of harm because they never develop good defensive senses. This is why EVE is safer than ever (with dafites and pop ups that prevent players from doing dumb things) and yet people are more easily exploded in places like high sec.

TL;DR if you don’t like scamming, find newbs and teach them how to spot scams, trying to ‘game mechanic’ scammers away will do nothing but backfire like every other CCP attempt to protect people from harm.


Yeah. OP Claims it in her first post. In caps even. I was hoping to come home from work today to read something juicy. Seems as though my eagerness was for naught.

damn, you’re right! how did i miss this obvious PROOF!

This is a Cam alt thread. So many fall for it.

I haven’t knowledge on a Cam, What struck my eyes was the word proof in all caps. Really got me thinking.

I don’t need the whole story but this Cam person interests me. Care to share some details?

Carrie-Anne Moss is the hot chick from the Matrix.

Scammer seeks to exploit basic human emotions such as excitement or fear to provoke a spontaneous gut reaction to the offer. In the Real world where scams extract billions of dollars. Eve is a simulation for this anti-social behaviour.

Cam has a long list of alts she uses on the forums and quite a few threads are made by her. she’s a troll. been watching her since almost day one on the new forums. she always tries to “rally” people, spreads anger and toxicjty and is, in general, a no good.

It’s a shame that you typed so much for it to all be worthless nonsense. Is this intentional?

Scamming is part of eve and part of why the game is a cult hit. This game is not for everyone, and the moment CCP tries by building another generic theme park MMO is the moment it’s just ‘another bad MMO’. Sure some people quit, but we should let those that don’t truely embrace what makes this game unique; decide how CCP should cater to those customers.

HTFU and all those other catchy phrases we throw around to warn people against their own stupidity and carelessness.


Heh, that’s your opinion and just like arseholes, everybody has one. Yours just happens to be more shittier than all the others.

Wow, that’s sexual abuse I think.


Scams have been around since day 1. They didn’t scare many people off then, and I highly doubt they are a major contributing factor now.

Yes a small fraction of players might be driven away by them. But the number who are pales in comparison to the number of people who are attracted to the game. Simply by the sheer fact that it is something that is allowed to exist.

Removing them may make the game slightly more appealing to a wider audience yes. But it would also be a marked tone shift that would drive even more people away, which would necessitate even more changes which would eventually gut everything that makes the game great.


Hey, you guys 'member when DMC didn’t know how to check if someone is online or not by convo’ing them, then he refused to accept it once told or admit that he was wrong, and ended up just making himself look like a total forum jackass?

I 'member.


I lost maybe 15b to 2 scams, so what?

Scammers are only delivering billions of iskies from greedy peasants.
Learning from your mistakes is the only way to go.

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I love how the OP gave away that they were trolling with the Hillary Clinton line and so many suckers took the bait

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i’m amazed how many people haven’t figured out Cam’s alts yet, and just keep falling for the bait.

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