Rebuilding our corp ! come join us!

THE GOLDEN KNIGHTS is recruiting !! come be a part of our new future in ESOTERIA with SHADOW ULTIMATUM alliance as part of THE IMPERIUM !!
we are looking for pvp’ers, miners, ratters, industrialists, manufacturers, basically all interests. ( minimum 10 million skill points )
we have some great space to make isk in there is plenty of content to be had, ( regular alliance roams etc )
whatever you like to do can be done here.
the alliance requires auth registration for all characters ( alts included ) as does the coalition ( the imperium)
if you are interested send me a mail in game or DM me in game or here too !! :))

hope to talk to you soon !

bump !!

Hello I am a returning player looking for.the right corp to join I have 35mil skill points more info please

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please let me know what information you need ?

I shall look you up online in eve when I login today.

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bump !!

still searching !!!

come check us out !!!

come have a chat see if we’re a good fit !!!


recovered from flu !!! :)) bump !!!

bump !!

bump again !!

still recruiting !!

bump !!

we are still looking for more friends to fly with !! come check us out !!

still here !! and still recruiting !!


