Recruitment Closed Corp Delet

Killing ventures specifically in Amarr was a favourite pastime of mine while active in New Order Logistics. I just resubbed and am looking to get back to spreading the good word. My killboard should be proof enough, but what the hell! I’ll pop a few ventures anyway.

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One can never kill too many vents. :slight_smile: Send Shadow Cyrilus a mail in game or send an in game application to join. Praise James 315!

If you’re a police corp do I get to LARP as sheriff Beaufort T Justice?

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Highway Police is still recruiting and very active, boasting one of the New Order’s best fleet commanders, Shadow Cyrilus, who has also taken over the job as CEO. Contact Shadow Cyrilus in-game for information on joining and taking part in Eve’s most elite pvp!

I realize CODE. is not popular with everyone, and that’s part of the fun. However, please respect the rules of the “recruitment center” forum posts. There are many threads for discussing pilots’ feelings about ganking and CODE. Please direct your “opinions” that-a-way and take a look at the rules… :slight_smile:

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Removed some posts that violated this section of the forum’s rules. Code. may be controversal to some but trolling, and bad mouthing in a corporation or alliance recruitment thread is not allowed.

There are other sections that allow for discussions of corporations or alliance but beware of other forum rules when doing such discussions.

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If I join, could I also have a mining alt in V-X0KM ?

You know so when were not busy being elite ganking hi sec miners & mission runners…

Highway Police recruiting is open! Praise James 315, the Saviour of Highsec!

Highway Police is recruiting! Contact me in game to apply.

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May Highsec be rebuilt by the light of burning hulks! Join Highway Police today, and join the war for Highsec and the very heart of Eve!

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Fight for emergent, player-created content! Join Highway Police and the mighty CODE. alliance!

Contact Shadow Cyrilus in-game to join. Highway Police is recruiting!

Boi! These killmails.

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Recruitment is still open! Contact CEO and FC Shadow Cyrilus in-game.

Still recruiting and getting great kills!


Contact Shadow Cyrilus for information on joining.

Recruitment is open! Safety to red, kill some ventures, contact Shadow Cyrilus.

A good start for anyone interested in joining CODE. is to start reading .

Closed at OP’s Request