Rental Space in Immensea

TheShire is now offering rental space in Immensea. The war with Rekking Crew and Dreadbomb is concluding, and Immensea has stabilized into a safe and lucrative region for groups looking to make money in peace and security.

AARP and FI.RE defend our rental space and is backed up by active regional and supraregional intel channels so that renters have plenty of heads up to stay safe.

✦ Deadend Pockets and ice belt systems available, moons also available for rent.
✦ Open for Mining, Ratting, and Industry.
✦ Nearby Trade hub for selling/purchasing and access to a fast and secure Jump Freighter service open to all renters.

Benefits of renting from The Shire.

TheShire’s goal is to provide a safe way for groups to get into Nullsec without the hassle of sov warfare and CTAs. To this end, we are offering low-cost rental space under our capital umbrella. We also have an active standing fleet to keep all members money making vessels secure. AARP boasts an insatiable bloodlust to kill any hostile entering our space so renters can have the peace of mind that if it’s red, it will soon be dead.

How to rent a system

To rent a system join our discord server and ping Reinhard Fred and the directors for assistance with any questions or concerns you may have. Alternatively you can join AARP rentals ingame. Hope to hear from you soon!

You may also review our rental systems and our rental policy Here

Rental space is open.

Rental space is open.

Rental space is open.

Rental space is open.

Rental space is open.

Rental space is open.

Rental space is open.

Rental space is open.

Rental space is open

Rental space is open.

Rental space is open.

Rental space is open.

Rental space is open.

Rental space is open.

Rental space is open.

Rental space is open.

Rental space is open.

Rental space is open.

Rental space is open.