(CCP Swift)
May 21, 2022, 8:00pm
Nyx Viliana:
I hate to break it to you, but I attempted to purchase PLEX through the regional market, and while the Isk was taken from my account, the PLEX was never added to my pilot’s PLEX Vault, or to personal assets.
I filed a support ticket (1858191), to which I am yet to receive a reply after 48h. Today the account in question goes alpha meaning I not only lose the ability to be logged into my market alt, but I’ll lose my SP accumulation.
I am super unimpressed .
I am angry because you have stolen my Isk, and you are about to steal SP. Because your GMs can’t even reply to a ticket to tell me they are looking into it, I now find myself in a position where I am not prepared to borrow the Isk required to buy another 500 PLEX just incase it fails to arrive again - and let’s not forget PLEX is likely more expensive than it was two days ago when I tried to do through this crap show.
Add to all of this, I am having eye surgery on Monday. I will not the well enough to read or reply to support tickets. Assuming a GM does return my missing PLEX, I will not be well enough to consume it or restart my skill training. Your developers and lack of support have screwed me - thank you very much.
So to you, I ask these questions:
What guarantee can you give me that the bug won’t reoccur and that if I were to borrow PLEX from a friend I will actually be able to consume it?
If the system fails again, will I actually get refunded for both occurrences?
If support can’t even bother to reply to what is tantamount to a billing and access issue? Why should I consider supporting your game?
If that is the case, then you were absolutely in the right to file a support ticket and one of our Game Masters will be able to solve that for you. The logs are quite thorough on cases like this.
For your questions
1 - the unexpected issue has been resolved, and there have been no reports of issues with PLEX outside of the original window
2 - absolutely
3 - Support tickets are generally answered in a speedy manner, however there may be a small backlog of tickets from people with issues similar to yours causing a delay in response time.