Returning player 41m sp

Hey @N0UseFor_AName

Our corp Filthy Peasants may be exactly what you are looking for. We’re a lowsec/npc 0.0 pvp corp that lives in the Solitude region. We do everything from small gang roams, WH diving, blops, capital drops, and super kills.

Our corp is RL focused with no participation requirements as we are all adults with our own lives. Our activity picks up around 18:00-05:00 EVE time on weekdays and week ends with all around activity as most of us do not work weekends. We are most active in the US TZ but our members are from all over the world so there is usually always some one and some thing going on at any point in the day.

Check out our killboard and forum post below. Come join our public channel Open Filth if you’re interested!