Returning player looking for corp

Hey @Epeen_McSalt

Are you interested in lowsec? We here at Filthy Peasants are a lowsec/0.0 pvp corp that lives in the Solitude region. We’re active in the US TZ with the most activity during the weekends as we’re all working adults.

I see you’re a blops guy with your own hunter which means you’ll have lots of content around the lowsec Solitude/Syndicate area. We’re very blops heavy and drop on anything that is a reasonable target (sometimes unreasonable targets too). If you have any or are interested in getting caps we also use those whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Check out our killboard and forum post below to see more of what we do. I’d love to chat with you if you’re interested. You can also join our public channel Open Filth to have a chat with any of us.

Eve Post: Low Sec PvP - Filthy Peasants is recruiting

I’ll follow up in game with a mail and a convo if you’re available.