Returning veteran looking for a WH corp

Hi, well as the title says im returning to the game in hope of finding a corp filled with amazing ppl to fly with.
Have done both 0,0 and low sec, but very little wh stuff, but it does to me look like the most fun place to be, so I hope to find a place to fit in.

I got good probing skills, good ship and weapons skills in general (118m sp) and im looking to do lots of roaming pvp and actually some skills for gas mining and such as well as a income would atm be quite welcome as some of my assets are currently stuck in 0,0.

Im Euro tz and i do of course have a working mic etc.
Hoping to hear from you soon.


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Should you not be able to locate a WH group, please reach out my crew:

We rock full ADM’s in -0.5 and have lots of WH that pop in our system to be scanned and explored. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or would like to join to get one step closer to WH.

Look forward to meeting you!


Check us out maybe?

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