Sale C4 static C3-C5 to defend very good deal

Avis à la populasse,

Vend pour 5B => 1 fortiza, 1 Astrahus, 1 POS, 1 Athanor, 1 Raitaru, 5 POCO dans un C4 static C5,C3

Possibilité de Doker si besoin,

mais il vous faudra gagner contre l’envahisseur , à vous de jouer…

Notice to the populace,

Sells for 5B => 1 fortiza with fitting, 1 Astrahus, 1 POS, 1 Athanor, 1 Raitaru, 5 POCO and 3 hull cap ship in a C4 static C5, C3

To defend against + - 20 people if interested more details on the attackers entries of the wh and possibility of docking in the stations still + - 7 days

It’s your turn…

Contact in private if possible.

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