Sauce for the Gander

more nit-picking than addressing issues… and a person who doesn’t know SOS (Shoot on Sight) when used in context with Gate Guns and such…

What is this?

Is he telling too much of a truth you do not like to hear so you have to criticize his writing style?

Well that’s cheap…very very cheap and low standard.

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why on earth would we do pve lol , we would just kill you scoop your loot and sell it to buy tags.


Did you read the entire conversation?

Followed by a very concise summary from @Shipwreck_Jones of the writing issues in the OP that make it difficult for anyone, regardless of level of reading comprehension, to break down into legible statements that can be discussed.

If @Avatar_Sky-on would like to have a meaningful conversation, and not just yell into the void, a certain amount of effort in making their posts readable is necessary.

As best anyone can interpret, OP’s entire argument is ‘we should up the consequences for having a negative security status so that gankers cannot enter high sec safely to do business’. This argument ignores the fact that gankers (which is a small subset of PvPers overall) rarely have only one character; they usually are already using alts to engage in non-combat activities like industry and trade. So making low security status have more consequences wouldn’t have the impact the OP is claiming it would.


and a certain amount of actually addressing issues and ideas as well, on the part of some.

I dont understand.

Are the bounties bad in Poocheyland?

No, the mechanic they set up in Pochven means you can’t use the gates safely if you have negative standings. Was saying the same could be applied for Concorde.

@Solstice_Projekt did address the issue with the idea in his first post. The other posters asked you to review your idea and repost it with clarified language to make your argument legible. Instead of rebuffing the counter-argument or re-stating your position, you attacked each poster.


Oh ok.

Which standings?

CONCORD doesn’t own any gates.

Well, OK, technically they do in a super small region of space, I guess? But that’s not the same as having negative sec status anyway.

Security standings, after all, if you want to be a pirate, be treated like one.

Oh ok, not Empire standings.

Should Gallante Navy NPCs be allowed in Caldari space? Id imagine they should also be stopped at the gate

Security status is not Security standing. Having low security status does not impact standings with any entities. It would be a complete mechanics change to conflate the two.

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Likely as well, make it more a case of trying to work on good relations/standings.

So, what would be wrong with having pirates treated like pirates then?

They are treated like pirates - they get shot by FacPo if they stick around in space too long. So do enemies of the empires (-5 faction standing). But importantly you’ll note that even enemy empire factions can still do business in all areas of space - because they aren’t at war with each other. They dislike each other, and if navies invade they will get shot up (which is why we have missions vs empire factions, after all), but regular ships with merchant credentials get through just fine.


last time I checked, pirates were not openly welcomed into most ports.

Don’t apply real-world pirate treatment to the game - there are zero functional comparisons to be made. EVE isn’t trying to be realistic about this stuff. This is a deliberately messed-up NPC society that we are playing around in.

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not officially, they just anchored a few miles down the coast and carried the loots in through the back gate of the port . much highjinx would then ensue in the ports taverns.
Of course the ports would then take a tax on the taverns earnings and the traders who bought the pirates loots , everyone won well except the carebears that lost, but everyone important won.


true… in other words they had to use skill and work for it.