[SERVICE] Jet-Perches ! Bookmarks ! Null and Low Sec Gate Perches

Service still available.

Tools… tools… tools. Well I guess SeAT counts. It’s what my corporation uses.

So by extension, I have to use it… and do use it for Doctrines and SRP.

just a quickie note, just bought another region of Eve Jet Perch’s bookmarks … 24 hour delivery … thx man
this guy is the real deal …

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Hey! Thanks so much. I really do appreciate when people leave a comment.

Fly safe and/or dangerous. o7

I’ve just received the mail with the BM Folders.
Legit guy.

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Pleasure doing business. Enjoy the perches!

Service still available.

Service still available.

Figured I’d help bump this.

Love the bookmarks. Returning after a break to find I need another region.

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It legit makes me happy when people leave a comment.

And repeat customers, best customers! Glad you find the perches useful.

Service still available.

Service still available.

Service still available.

can you review your records for character SalmonMuncher. I sent isk for the Low Sec pack and its been over a week , thanks

Hey! I just double checked, and you are on all the Low Sec access lists.

I sent you an EVE mail 2024.10.25 06:23 which I’ve forwarded again today. :smiley:

Service still available.

Service still available.

Service still available.

Service still available.

Back to listing EVE “tools” I use.

I’ve actually become decent at programming using Python thanks to EVE.
I check my Jet-Perches corporation wallet without logging in (using ESI).
And I’ve written some other pretty useful scripts, including one for market analysis.