We are still recruiting
We are still recruiting
we are still recruiting
We are still recruiting
Hey you. We are still wanting to get some new people in corp.
Join the public channel and have a chat to see if you might fit in. =)
We are still recruiting!
We are still recruiting!
We are still recruiting,
We are still recruiting
We are still recruiting
We are still recruiting
we are still recruiting
We are still recruiting
We are still recruiting
Still looking for new pilots
New recruits are still welcome
Still looking for new slugs
A post has been removed for violation of one or more of the following Recruitment Centre rules…
The place to advertise recruitment for your corporation or alliance!
Please be aware that this section of the forums has its own additional rule set that supplements the regular forum rules.
Please be sure to read and understand these additional rules before posting.
This is the only forum category where recruitment is permitted. If you hijack a recruitment thread, whether to promote your own recruitment or run it off course with non recruitment related chat, you are liable to receive an off topic warning or a forum posting suspension. Trolling, political attacks and badmouthing of corporations on this forum category are not permitted. Bumping is only permitted once per calendar day. If you bump a thread on January 1st, your next bump cannot occur until January 2nd. Friendly or multiple bumps per day are not permitted. Bumping is only allowed by members of the corporation that are recruiting. Bumping must consist of a real sentence, not simply the word “bump”. For example: “Recruitment still open” is an acceptable bump. All times regarding the monitoring of bumping are UTC, in line with EVE Time. Excessive bumping will be treated as spamming, and will be actioned as such under the forum rules. Having friends or corp mates post false questions, using alts to do so, or otherwise trying to circumvent the bumping rules will result in a forum ban for all parties involved.
New slugs are still welcome
Hey all. Please join “SLUG pub” and talk to one of us. We are still looking for new members to our corp.
We have good space to make isk in to support the pvp!