character has 1 jump clone in 0.5 In Rayl X - Moon 3 - Carthum Conglomerate Factory
character currently resides in .7 isinokka
has a positive wallet, and no kill rights.
looking to get 9B
character has 1 jump clone in 0.5 In Rayl X - Moon 3 - Carthum Conglomerate Factory
character currently resides in .7 isinokka
has a positive wallet, and no kill rights.
looking to get 9B
I will do 9B for it.
you have a deal
ISK and account name sent, please post a picture when transfer is initiated
Image removed by ISD Traindriver
NEVER post Accountinformations in a public Forum.
character transfer initiated.
For your safety please remove that picture, just post the picture on the login that shows char transfer time
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