SOLD 21m Industrialist (2004 Birthday)

Wanting to sell off this extra character. I pay transfer fee, positive wallet, located in HS, positive security status, I will receive the ISK.
PW: 1234

Capital Ship Construction 5
Decent Invention/Production skills
Can fly Gallente Freighter/Transport Ships
Can fly mining barges well
Remap: Available Now
Bonus Remaps: 3

Starting Bid: 13b


17b BO,
all ok in game
isk and acc send

Offer from @Captainamazing accepted. Confirmed ISK and account details received.

Thanks for the quick and smooth sale.

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Iumadder

Will be completed after: 5/7/2018 12:24:16 PM

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