Character currently has 848 isk located in jita, Has 5,235,623 SP most of which were geared towards JF before extracting. Believe it has never been in a corp and has only 1 Loos on KB which was a pod.
No JC No kill rights
Start 3b bid
Buyout 6b
Character currently has 848 isk located in jita, Has 5,235,623 SP most of which were geared towards JF before extracting. Believe it has never been in a corp and has only 1 Loos on KB which was a pod.
No JC No kill rights
Start 3b bid
Buyout 6b
@mino_Amelana your skillq link is not a share link, please visit the settings area to create a share link.
Please update your post to only reflect current state of skills, not past.
I’ll offer you a 5B b/o. Slot and ISK are ready. Thank you.
I’ll be glad to accept that offer
Please send isks and acc name via ingame email for character transfer.
Thank you! ISK and account sent.
Transfer started o7 fly safe
Toon received - thank you. Pleasure doing business! Fly safe o7