Looking to sell J155416 - Vanilla C4 (C1/C3 statics)
Includes Raitaru w/ mfg plant (no rigs), Athanor w/ reprocessing (no rigs) + 10x POCO. I’ll shove a month of fuel in them before handing off.
PI: 3x Barren, 1x Plasma, 2x Temperate, 1x Lava, 1x Gas, 1x Ice, 1x Oceanic. Yes, that means all P4s can be manufactured in hole w/o any imports.
Also includes 22.5m units of tritanium that I don’t feel like hauling. You can have the handful of shuttles, indies, and station cans too.
Asking 3b
3x rollers if you want them (2 Megas and a Raven) for an extra 600m.