SOLD PC Female Freighter Accounting DST 7.75m

Hi, my main have now the skills of this pilot, and thinking in sell her 7.75m

Note good reputation with dodixie traders

Cybernetics V
Accounting V and all books
Ammar industrial V and dst injected
Frieghter Fenrir and other injectd.

Many books injected.

I transfer with CC, is instant.

No kil lrights, positiv wallet, is in high sec.

Answer the thread, dont reading eve mail.

How much you want?

i was thinking in 7

have implants +5

Note good reputation with dodixie traders

will pay you 6.5 right now.

Coren Ginton Send 6.7b and is a deal.

6.7b deal accepted. Would be perfect if you can start the transfer exact 24H later

Deal accepted.

No problem to do so. I Go to purchsase another pilot to this account in the time, and transfer ready in a day.

Isk received anbd account received.

Character transfer can start now

transfer done, please confirm when you receive the eve mail or the pilot.

Character transfer received.

Thanks, enjoy, is a good pilot =)

Character transfer completed.

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