Hey there! I’m for sale.
Sec Status: "+"
Wallet: "+"
Kill rights: None
Location: Jita 4-4
Remaps: 1 Normal, 2 Bonus
Implants: Basic Attributes (1-5),
Zainou ‘Beancounter’ Research RR-603,
Zainou ‘Beancounter’ Metallurgy MY-703,
Zainou ‘Beancounter’ Science SC-803
Laboratory Operation V
Metallurgy V
Research V
Science V
Science slots 10
I’m a scientist by trade with research and invention being my primary focuses. I have a background in a wide array of disciplines such as Nuclear, Quantum, and Laser physics. And an understanding of the complexities of Star Ship engineering spanning all factions. I can be a valuable asset to any corporation, researching and developing the schematics you need for more efficient and productive operations.
Starting bid 6 Billion (24hrs bid)
All CCP Rules and regulations apply.